Friday, July 1, 2011

Race day approaching

In a little more than a week, the gun will sound and the race will begin. Are you ready?

First, see Mark Allen's advice.

Second, if you have any issues with your bike, then go and get it serviced in the next day or two. That will give you time to get it back and do an easy spin on it to make sure all is good.

Third, decide this weekend what you plan to wear - make sure you have worn it before race day. And test it out. For example, if you plan to swim with your race top, then give it a go in the lake this week - beneath your wetsuit.

Fourth, after swimming at the lake, practice an easy jog to the parking lot and taking off your wetsuit. Peel the top half between the swim exit and the parking lot, and the rest where your bike will be. One simple run through will help keep it simple on race day.

Fifth, bring your bike to the Alice Lake parking lot and ride down to the highway. Don't hammer it. It's not safe to do so and it's unnecessary.  Use the spin as a reconnaissance mission so you know what you've got to ride on race day. As I mentioned, the road is very rough and the best advice I can give is to take it super super super easy til you navigate down to the highway and get into the loops, where you'll find your rhythm .

More later.

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