Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hills worked - recovery

Another great turn out for the Tuesday run last night. Thanks Roger for a solid hills session.

A few simple thoughts on recovering from these interval sessions.

First, try to run easy or walk or hike or cross country ski or play hockey at least one other time each week. The more you move the better.

Second, stretch. There are a lot of theories on whether to stretch before, during or after. The simplest advice is to try to incorporate some stretching. Be gentle.

Third, if one of your calves is sore, or a quad or a hamstring or IT band, massage it. A rolling pin or foam roller can help. Sometimes one side/part of your body may be sore because it is compensating for tightness on the other side or elsewhere.

If you have a specific knot, try using a tennis ball or something similar (a lacrosse ball is too hard) and work the spot. Sort of acupuncture style. Be patient and again gentle to start.

Fourth, if you're feeling tight before a training session, try to warm up the area (ie hamstring) with deep heat or something like it. And then take a bit more time to build into the session (ie no need to hammer the first of six hills). Back off or adjust if the sore spot is telling you so.

Fifth, epsom salts work. Get a bag or carton and pour a full mug in the bath and soak.

Sixth, for a very tight calf, for example, get something like voltaren. Work in a reasonably generous amount of it in the area at night, in particular, and then gently wrap the area with some glad wrap - you won't need to wrap it too tight and shouldn't cut off circulation. The wrap will simply help keep the voltaren working on the specific area.

Keep fit.

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