So .. how hard was that 5k 'non-race' on Tuesday?
If you were thinking that perhaps it's time to look at darts as your new sport, don't. Mark Allen says there's no need to stress about your current level of fitness. You have lots of time to prepare for the season ahead:
"Crawl, walk then run. That's kind of how it goes in the beginning of each season, which many of you are just now starting back to. You won't be literally crawling in the beginning of getting back on shape, but there is a strong chance that the way you feel right now is not the peak of personal fitness that you were at in your final race of 2010. But that is fine. It's normal. Getting back in shape is just that, a chance to regain fitness."
His advice is to focus on several keys:
Work on your flexibility
Eat well
Be patient .. it takes an entire season to build real fitness, soak in the training
Make any changes in your equipment now be it a new bike position, new shoes etc .. It's far easier for your body to adapt when it's returning to form and your training sessions are short.
*You can sign up for Mark Allen's newsletters at his website:
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